
VAT Penalty Charges

Bright Beany By Katy Dales

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For VAT periods starting on or after 1 January 2023, the default surcharge has been replaced by a new penalty system if you submit VAT returns late or pay VAT late. This new system also changes how VAT Interest is calculated.

Late submission penalties will work on a points-based system. For each VAT Return you submit late, HMRC will allocate one late submission penalty point. Points for late returns will expire after a specified period has elapsed unless you go over the penalty thresholds.

An important change is that any nil or repayment VAT returns received late will also be subject to late submission penalty points.

Once you have reached a penalty threshold, you will receive a £200 penalty, with all subsequent missed deadlines also receiving a £200 penalty.

Points Thresholds

A penalty will be charged when you reach the below thresholds;

Submission Period

Points Threshold


2 Points


4 Points


5 Points

When will points expire after a penalty

The penalty points that you have accumulated will not automatically expire as normal once you have triggered a penalty. Instead, to reset the clock you have to meet a longer test of good compliance for a specified period, depending on your return cycle as below.

Submission Period

Compliance Period


24 Months


12 Months


6 Months

Late Payment Penalties

For late payment penalties, the sooner you pay the lower the penalty rate will be.

First Late Payment Penalty

Second Late Payment Penalty

Up to 15 days overdue



Between 16 – 30 days overdue

Calculated at 2% of the VAT owed on day 15


More than 31 days overdue

Calculated at:

  • 2% of the VAT owed at day 15
  • Plus 2% of the VAT owed at day 30

Calculated at:

  • Daily rate of 4% per year on the outstanding balance
  • Charged every day from day 31 until the balance is paid in full

Interest on overdue tax will continue to be charged from the due date at Bank of England base rate plus 2.5% and will continue to accrue even where a time to pay arrangement has been agreed

Period of familiarisation

To give you time to get used to the changes, HMRC will not be charging a first late payment penalty for the first year from 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2023, if you pay in full within 30 days of your payment due date.

If you would like assistance with VAT, get in touch with us today.

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